NEW Super Gamer Podcast 173 – The Lost Haiku with Darren Hupke

Our guest this week is the creator of the 32 Bit Library series of books, with Volume 3 currently on Kickstarter. Darren Hupke gives us the how and why behind his book series, tells us what it’s like to have a tweet go viral, why he got sent the Ammonomicon from Devolver Digital, and whether or not he managed to restore an old SNES he found at a garage sale.

Download link – NEW Super Gamer Podcast 173 – The Lost Haiku with Darren Hupke

Kickstarter art for Volume 3 of Darren Hupke's 32 Bit Library series. On the right are pages from the book, including the cover, with lots of screenshots from various games. On the left are drawn iconic Konami characters, like Jill from Resident Evil and Alucard and Snake.

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