NEW Super Gamer Podcast 199 – Granny Fungus with Edward Spence

Our guest this week is a Game Master extraordinaire, and is currently GMing for a charity actual play about Middle Earth AFTER The Lord of the Rings. The Fourth Age is being played in support of Wounded Warrior Project and has an all-star cast of: Edward Spence (our guest!), Sam Seum, Bec Godsey, Lexi McQueen, Jasper William Cartwright, and Omega Jones. Hear about all the research that went into making this game a reality, what a GM’s job is, and whether one can “win” at tabletop roleplaying.

Download link – NEW Super Gamer Podcast 199 – Granny Fungus with Edward Spence

Professional photo of Edward Spence. He's sitting, looking at the camera. He has short brown hair parted to his right, and a short beard and moustache. He's wearing a ring and bracelets on his right hand.

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