NEW Super Gamer Podcast 180 – Scroll of Safety with Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk

I’m mad at myself for not making a darts (ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY!!!) joke during this episode. Anyhoo, we have Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk on to talk about the TTRPG Safety Kit. Why are formalized support tools important? What makes it into the toolkit? Why are you always playing characters that hate each other? Tune in!

Download link – NEW Super Gamer Podcast 180 – Scroll of Safety with Kienna Shaw and Lauren Bryant-Monk

Headshots of Lauren and Kienna. Lauren on the left, is on a deck, I think. or a balcony. She's looking straight at the camera, has lipstick on, and brown hair over one shoulder. Kienna is wearing a cool spacey jacket and is on a street with the background blurred. Their hair is past the shoulder on both sides, and she's looking to off camera.

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